
Tuesday, June 5, 2018



1 Tim 2:1-2
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

          In just seven days President Trump will have an historical meeting with the leader of North Korea. The outcome could produce a new kind of peace in that region and the world.

           Paul urged his young apprentice to pray for those in authority. Timothy and his flock labored beneath the iron boots of harsh leadership. The Romans demanded that their subjects worship the gods of Rome. They allowed the Jews to substitute prayers FOR Rome instead of prayers TO the Roman gods. Paul outlined the various ways to pray for anyone in authority.

           Supplications “deeeseis” should be offered. This is prayer that all kinds of evil and calamity might be averted. In other words, pray for their safety and protection.

           General prayers “proseuchas” should be offered. This is prayer for good things both spiritual and temporal. Pray that good things come and that good things happen. Intercessions, “enteuxeis,” are asking God on the behalf of others. Finally, thanks should be given when praying.

           Adam Clarke, in his commentary, summarizes these verses this way: ‎"Now, I exhort first of all that, in the public assemblies, deprecations of evils, and supplications for such good things as are necessary, and intercessions for their conversion, and thanksgiving for mercies, be offered in behalf of all men-for pagans as well as for Christians, and for enemies as well as for friends."

           Please include your Pastor and his wife in your praying. Pray for good health both physical and mental. Pray for purity of mind and actions. Pray for their encouragement for discouragement is the Devil’s best weapon. Pray that they have clear direction themselves so that they may lead rightly. Your prayers are both needed and appreciated.

Dear Lord, I pray that you might keep my flock safe; that good things may come to them and that you might be glorified in each life. AMEN

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