
Saturday, October 16, 2010



Matt 14:14 KJV
14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.

Five times in the New Testament it is recorded that Jesus was “moved with compassion.” Matthew mentions three occasions and Mark points out two. The Greek word that requires an English phrase to translate is the word splagchnizomai and means “to have the bowels yearn” or to feel sympathy or pity. Certainly we have all felt that knot in our belly that is somehow connected to strong emotions!

This morning, as I look over my prayer list, I see several situations that move me or “cause my bowels to yearn.” One friend is anxious because an aging parent is not well; another is worried because there has been an accident with injuries. Another friend has called to ask prayer because he has suddenly lost his job and questions and doubts fill his mind. One friend valiantly presses on in spite of deep emotional wounds; another is awaiting surgery.

Jesus was able to see a person’s need and pain. It is amazing that he was not all the time weeping! He saw the multitude without direction or care. He saw the sick in need of healing. He saw the debt that needed to be forgiven and the leper that needed to be cleansed. He noticed it all and his “bowels” turned over and over in sympathy.

Several times Jesus asked His disciples to partner with him in relieving suffering. Once He told them to give the multitude something to eat. Yet another time He asked them to pray that laborers would be provided. What can we do when our sympathies seem overwhelmed?

There was never a situation that Jesus did not respond to with prayer no matter how large or small the problem. When he missed the fellowship of the Father and the comfort of heaven he prayed. When he was hungry and tired he prayed. If he was tempted he prayed. When criticized he prayed. When hanging on the cross he prayed. There was never an emergency that would not yield to prayer.

Dear Lord, I run to you this morning with a long list of needs and concerns. I am doing what you did when overwhelmed. Lord please meet the needs of my friends today. AMEN

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