
Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Tuesday, July 23, 2024




Ps 119:117

117 Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually.


          Our world has become a very dangerous place! The natural result of rebellion against the will and ways of God is violence. We see that in the earliest days of man when Cain slew his brother Abel over a dispute regarding religious observance (Genesis 4:8). If religion can be so violently divisive, what hope is there of political contention? The most mild-mannered people today are carrying weapons out of fear for their personal safety! In our text above, I see three important things.


          Our cry! The psalmist cries out for support when he says, “hold me up.” In fact, the entire phrase is translated from only one Hebrew word which literally means “to support, comfort, and establish.” We may not formally make that cry to God. We may not even be openly aware of our need, but the deep cry of our heart is for a support system beyond ourselves.


          Our need! The word “safe” here means “to be open, wide, or free.” I’m a Texan and when I think of this I can’t help thinking about the song “Don’t fence me in.” Safety is more than the need to feel that there is no danger nearby. It is the freedom that accompanies it that we need. If slavery is the price of safety, then we have made a very bad trade.


          Our response! When we cry out to God and He saves us, our natural response is to have regard for his appointments and commandments. We are inclined to do what He requires.


Dear Lord, we are not safe in this world, but you have made us safe in your loving care. Hold us up, Lord and we will respond in grateful obedience. AMEN


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