
Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Wednesday, July 31, 2024




Ps 55:22

22 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.


          Interestingly, the Hebrew word for “burden” in Psalm 55:22 is strictly translated “what is given.” It is something received. I think it might have been given intentionally! One of Merriam – Webster’s definitions of “burden” is “responsibility!” Perhaps your burden is your job or some illness. Maybe it is worry over a troubled teen who is struggling to find his or her way. Whatever it is, it has been given and you have received it.


          Because I write a devotional every day, I subscribe to several online devotionals myself. I often need a starter to pique my creativity. Well, the following is shamelessly stolen from the late Dr. Adrian Rodgers. I think it wonderfully fits.


 “I read about a man who had a very fine dog who loved the water. One day the dog was playing in the lake and the man decided to leave. He called the dog, but the dog wouldn’t come. He called him several times; he wouldn’t come. It was a well-trained dog, but he just would not come. The man finally threw a stick out in the water. When the dog saw it, he swam over, got the stick, and came back and laid it at his master’s feet. It just may be that God has given you a burden because He can’t get your attention. He wants you to come and lay it at your Master’s feet.”


So, today I will look at my burdens differently. I will see them as the ringing of my spiritual telephone. God is on the line and wants to talk. He is willing to trade my burden for a little of my time.


Dear Lord, Thank you for my burden. I am sorry that you have to resort to such means in order to get my attention. I love you, Lord. AMEN


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