
Monday, September 9, 2024



Monday, September 9, 2024




Gal 1:6-8

6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.


          Kenneth A. Briggs is the author of “The Invisible Bestseller” published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. In an article in the Charlotte Observer, he says that the Bible is disappearing from American Christianity and is being replaced with a stylized alternative – especially in the so-called “mega” churches. He says: “In the mega-type churches – those churches were really heavily loaded with the visual and the audio and the rest of the electronic stuff, the music – I was really stunned by what I saw as an alternative version of Christianity being delivered by those means.”


          Paul warned the Galatians of the possibility that some would try to pervert the gospel message. The word “pervert” is found only three times in the New Testament and is the interesting Greek word metastrepho which means “to turn across or to change into an opposite character.” In our medical language, cancer sometimes metastasizes. This word is also of Greek origin and refers to the changing of location and character of certain cancers. I find that very interesting indeed.


          In our attempt to make the gospel message more palatable, we must be careful not to make it “another” gospel – which is not another at all. Warren Wiersbe said: “We must never forget that the Christian life is a living relationship with God through Jesus Christ. A man does not become a Christian merely by agreeing to a set of doctrines; he becomes a Christian by submitting to Christ and trusting Him.”


          Paul’s use of the word “accursed” is the strongest possible cursing. I dare not print the American language equivalent! Martin Luther said of this word:  "he casteth out very flames of fire, and his zeal is so fervent, that he beginneth almost to curse the angels." This was serious business.


The approval or disapproval of men did not move Paul. "Therefore, also we have as our ambition ... to be pleasing to Him" (2 Cor 5:9, NASB). Paul wanted the approval of Christ.


Dear Lord, let me always measure my Christianity by Thy Word! Let my great ambition be to please Thee. AMEN


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