
Sunday, August 25, 2024



Sunday, August 25, 2024




Eccl 1:14-15

14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.


Fourteen times in the book of Ecclesiastes Solomon concludes that “all is vanity and vexation of spirit.” Solomon looked around and concluded that everything was futile and empty, a chasing after the wind. He doesn’t sound like the kind of guy you would want to be around!


Solomon said that which is crooked could not be made straight and the things that are broken could not be numbered. Cynicism may have good cause these days, but it is a carrier of spiritual paralysis. The cynic soon becomes ineffective at ministering to others because he has lost hope and has become self-focused. He has become a bitter and brittle gripe who is always finding a fly in his soup. He feels short-changed, exploited and passed over. 


So how can we avoid the cancer of cynicism in our life? Let me offer a few suggestions.


Ø Become involved in ministering to others. This will change your focus away from yourself and give you a more balanced perspective. There is nothing more healing to your own wounds than bandaging those of another.

Ø Stop complaining about missed opportunities. Look for new ones.

Ø Don’t yield to the temptation to stop doing what is right.

Ø Do what you can and then leave the rest to God.

Ø Mentor and encourage someone of the next generation. They will take your place whether you like it or not. They may as well benefit from some of the things you have learned the hard way! Be warned, however, that they will not listen carefully.

Ø Don’t allow unresolved conflicts to remain. Apologize if you have done wrong. Forgive if you have been wronged. Practice reconciliation at every opportunity.

Ø Don’t fret about anything but pray about everything.


We are all headed for the “rocking chair.” We will sit there sullen and alone or we will be visited by a line of those who admire our peace and seek our advice. It all depends upon how we manage to live under the circumstances.


Dear Lord, please spare me from becoming sullen and bitter. Let me function firmly and positively even though the circumstances of life may be hard. Let me be an encouragement to someone else today. AMEN


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