
Thursday, August 8, 2024



Thursday, August 8, 2024




Phil 1:6

6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:


The Greek word for “will perform” is epiteleo (ep-ee-tel-eh'-o) and means to fulfill further (or completely), i.e. execute; by implication, to terminate, to bring to a full and satisfying end.


God will keep working on me until He is satisfied with the finished product. He will keep on working despite my ignorance until wisdom begins to develop in me. He will keep working despite my weakness because His strength is made perfect. He will continue to work despite my stubbornness because He is a firm but loving heavenly Father. He will bring me to maturity.


God will keep on fine tuning His purpose for me. He will bring into my life those who can influence me for good even if the circumstances of these encounters seem bad at the time. He will shut down some of my pet projects because they do not fit His purposes for me. He will lead me through hard paths because they end in the accomplishment of His greater purpose. He will allow pain and restrain pleasure so that I may become mature.


Rom 8:28

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.


Dear Lord, thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for seeing value in me that I cannot see. Thank you for changing my good plans for your better plans. AMEN

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