we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby
they lie in wait to deceive;
speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all
things, which is the head, even Christ:
saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.
woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well
said, I have no husband:
thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy
husband: in that saidst thou truly.
was Jesus going to engage this woman in soul-saving, life-changing
conversation without offending her? This is exactly the challenge we face in
this age of tolerance and acceptance. I, and the church I pastor, have been
occasionally accused of being too “judgmental.” If, by that, folks mean that we
do not shy away from calling sin by its right name, then I plead guilty. We
always try to do this in love.
challenged her personal sin! Asking her to call her husband spoke to
the fact that women usually did not frequent the well at this hour of the day.
Scholars generally agree that she was trying to go about her chores as
inconspicuously as possible. Like a skilled surgeon, Jesus began to peel away
this woman’s layers of secrecy. Ignoring cultural prejudices and gender
barriers, Jesus simply asked for a drink of water. Slowly but deliberately,
Jesus explained that he had “water” that would truly satisfy. She made a joke
of it and asked for indoor plumbing!
asking her to call her husband, Jesus was simply following the custom
of discussing important business between men. She answered that she had no
husband. I’m trying to imagine the pain that she must have felt as she said
this. Jesus knew it – and felt it too. This poor woman had endured five failed
marriages. Each “I do” became more bitter in her mouth than the last.
Ultimately she abandoned marriage as a structure for relationships and simply
cohabitated with a man. Perhaps she had more than one partner! Jesus did not
add to her pain but simply explained that He was aware of her situation.
Neither did he condone her behavior because it made her uncomfortable. No, if
she was ever going to have peace, this sin must be addressed.
prefer to debate religion than to deal with their sin. She opened a discussion
of the differences between the Samaritans’ worship and the Jews’ method.
Tenderly, Jesus explained to her that she was wrong but that true worship was
to be done in spirit and in truth.
like to share a quote
I read from some commentary. “Men’s carnal mind relishes a religion like that
of the apostate church, which gives an opiate to conscience while leaving the
sinner license to indulge his lusts.” For the most heinous of all sin is the
sin of those who know God’s word of grace, and keep it not.
Lord, help me to speak the truth with as much skill and tenderness as you did
at the well. AMEN
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