Luke 2:10-11
10 And the angel said unto
them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall
be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this
day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ
the Lord.
The announcement of the angels proclaimed a Savior! The word soter in the Greek means
“one who delivers or rescues.” The angels were pretty excited about it. Up to
this point there had been human deliverers to rescue Israel from various
political situations and from war but this Saviour was different.
The Saviour
would deliver and rescue man from himself. Sin has dreadful consequences. Those
consequences culminate not only in physical death but in eternal separation
from a holy God. Jesus came to deliver us from our oppressive selves and to
rescue us from the consequence of sin. He would do this by being our stand in
at the execution phase of our trial. Oh, we are guilty alright, but the
sentence was passed down upon one who is innocent. Justice would be satisfied
so that love and mercy might triumph.
Christmas presents are easily broken and some are the wrong size. This morning as you sit
surrounded by wrapping paper and presents, think of the greatest gift you have
ever given. His name is Jesus.
come. Let us adore Him.
come. Let us adore Him.
come. Let us adore Him – Christ the Lord.
Dear Jesus, thank you for your
unbreakable gift that fits me perfectly. AMEN
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