
Friday, June 3, 2016



Eph 5:15-17
15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Ps 90:12
12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

           I awoke this morning with the realization that we have nearly exhausted the first half of this year! Didn’t we just take down the Christmas tree? How can my oldest granddaughter be 23 today? How can my youngest be receiving invitations from universities? How can I be just five months from those “threescore years and ten?” NO! I’m too young to be old!

           To “number” our days literally means “to weigh out.” I remember a worn out introduction to a long-running soap opera that droned “Like sands through the hour glass – so are The Days of Our Lives!”

           When it comes to the expenditure of time we often find ourselves to be consumers rather than economists. We don’t plan, conserve, or productively use time. But time won’t wait. The incessant ticking of the clock cares not for our anxiety or our boredom. It just keeps on ticking. We could bear the ticking if we were not aware of a conclusive end to it.

           Paul urged the Ephesians to “redeem” time or to “rescue time from loss.” How often have parents, teachers, and bosses chided us for wasting time. As a child, time overflowed its banks but now we scrape the bottom of the reservoir. Only now do we know why time shouldn’t be wasted.

           Dr. Charles Stanley, still very active even in his 80’s says this: “As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we need to walk carefully. Cautiously. Wisely! Keep in mind that this world is a hostile place for those who seek to do what is right. Walking wisely involves using our time carefully. Not spending it, but investing it. As we surrender the use of our time to the lordship of Christ, He will lead us to use it in the most productive way imaginable.”

Dear Lord, when I say that I give you my life, what I really mean is that I surrender the use of my time to your Lordship. Take every second of every minute and use it as you see fit. AMEN

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