
Saturday, June 4, 2011



Ps 91:1
91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

           The rash of books and movies, such as The Davinci Code and Raiders of the Lost Ark, profit from the idea that God has hidden secrets within the Bible. Some have speculated that the very words of the Bible form a code that, once broken, reveals past world leaders and events and points to future events. But the secret place of the most High is Himself!

1. The Word of God!

           Some people read the Bible chapter by chapter, consuming large gulps of content and text, without learning its secrets. Others read so that they may grasp the real meaning and spiritual realities that lie just beneath the flow of words. These learn the very spirit of the Author. Their own feelings and opinions align themselves with God. They have entered into God’s secret place.

2. Communion with God!

           Some say their prayers ritually and regularly without ever really talking with God. Night after night and morning by morning their rehearsed words are sent spiraling toward heaven. Bless my kids, bless the food, bless the missionaries and bless my soul are common things said. Others are able to make connection with heaven with hardly a word spoken. Paul referred to these as “groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26). This is spirit talk and words are not always necessary.

3. The Love of God!

           Some, even professing Christians, relate to God as one relates to a court judge. He is treated with fearful respect and polite reserve. Others are not content until they climb into his lap like children who need a hug from their father. These have found God’s secret place.

4. Note the construction of the verse!

           The verse can be divided in two. One might “dwell” and then “abide.” The reference to God as “Most High” speaks of His divine majesty while the term “the Almighty” describes Him as a mighty warrior. Learning one gains the other. The word “dwell” means a fixed, settled living arrangement. It speaks of home. The word “abide” refers to permanence.

Dear Lord, let me search for and find your secret place so that I might abide permanently under your shadow. AMEN

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