
Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Tuesday, October 8, 2024




1 Cor 14:33

33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.


James 3:16

16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.


          Our English word “confusion” is translated from some eight or nine original Hebrew and Greek words. We don’t have space or time for an exhaustive study of each one. We will look at two examples.


          In both verses above, the Greek word for “confusion” is akatastasia and it means “instability and disorder.” In Corinthians, Paul is addressing the instability and disorder of the unrestrained use of certain sign gifts, the most popular of which was, and still is, the use of unlearned languages as the means of revelation. Use of tongues evidently made one popular among the believers and, human nature being what it is, some were, and still are, “faking it.” The result was confusion and disorder. Paul simply said that God did not and does not “author” or authorize this.


          James is plain spoken in all his teachings and explains that confusion is produced by envy and strife. Whenever we compete with God and other believers for prominence and popularity there is disorder and confusion.


          The flip side of confusion is not only clarity but peace! Peace with one another takes place when we stop pushing and shoving for popularity and privilege. Peace with God comes only from surrender since we have no hope in victory over God. Fighting with God is like slapping a cactus.


          Stop for a moment! What is driving the confusion in your life? Are you in competition with other humans? The answer is order and humility. Are you in a battle with God? Such a battle cannot end well unless you surrender.


Dear Lord, let me put away envy and strife. Let me not envy my brothers and sisters or strive with you. Replace my confusion with peace today. AMEN


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